Educational Services
Like a compass that makes it possible to orient yourself and outline routes, our Educational Services bring people into contact with age-old sources, art collections and the architectural space.
Our Educational Service projects are focused on people, at the heart of our made-to-measure offering.
The mission of our educational offering is to look to the past to understand the present and dialogue with the future.
Students measure themselves against the key issues of contemporary society that are rooted in history. They do this through the languages of art, imagination and creativity.
Lower secondary school
Upper secondary school - PCTO
Our special projects
Co-designed proposals that reach out to communities, to give people a voice and cultivate a sense of belonging through the collections.
Teens get directly involved to present projects on the collections, put together after firsthand experience with researching and analysing the historical sources, within the scope of the Cross-Curricular Skills and Orientation Pathways (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento – PCTO) defined by the Ministry of Education (MIUR) as ‘essential out-of-school education’ in the curriculum. The digital content is created in collaboration with camerAnebbia, a Milan-based artists’ collective specialising in interactive exhibitions and the video environment.
Discover Swipe-up Archive on Wakelet
Aimed and entities involved in the social sphere, with the goal of spending an out-of-the-ordinary day together, experiencing an unexpected break from everyday life. Special occasions for opening up to new perspectives, sharing views, knowledge and situations.
Discover Extraordinary Days on Wakelet
The MappArti (‘Map Yourself`) workshop promotes a new space for intercultural exchange based on maps from the Querini collection; designed in conjunction with the Social Cohesion Office, Social Intervention, Inclusion and Mediation Service of the Municipality of Venice.
Maps are extraordinary tales of people and worlds, both real and imaginary.
They are also the guiding thread of an expressive workshop course aimed at stimulating forms of self-representation.
MappArti is a course in which history and creativity are interwoven to experience new ways of sharing and coming together within the community.
Discover MappArti su Wakelet
The Stories within Stories project goes back to 2020, during the Covid lockdown, with the aim of maintaining the relationship between the Querini and the residents of the Antica Scuola dei Battuti rest home in Mestre, in collaboration with the Venetian Public Assistance Institutions (Istituzioni Pubbliche di Assistenza Veneziane – IPAV).
The Querini reinterprets its art collections through the views, voices, imagination and personal memories of the residents, who create a participatory narration of the works. Each encounter inspires a tale, a unique and original story to be shared.
Discover Stories within Stories on Wakelet
For families
Families are invited to feel at home in the Querini house. During events and exhibitions, we suggest tour routes and creative workshops for children and their companions, so that both young and old can have a good time and enjoy themselves, surrounded by beauty.

Training is one of the Fondazione's key objectives, which we promote at various levels. Regular curricular and extracurricular internships provide the opportunity to get experience within a non-profit cultural institution and learn about its dynamics. The Fondazione also regularly participates in Universal Civil Service announcements. Applications must be submitted to the Municipality of Venice.
The Querini has courses and workshops for training professionals in the cultural sector and collaborates with universities and other institutions to carry out study and research projects.

Events and News
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